Countdown to the 2022 Conference!

We look forward to seeing you at the Hansen Conference Center in Everett in five days!  Thanks to our generous sponsors; the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, REI, Green Trails Maps, and Parametrix, we are ready to host an exciting Washington State Trails Conference.

You will be joining other trails leaders from businesses, non-profits, and municipal, county, state, and federal agencies.  You can download the full Conference Program in advance and we will have hardcopies available when you check in, as well as a full list of attendees.  Check with your friends and coworkers, if they aren’t joining you at the conference, there is still time to register.

Arriving on Thursday?  Check in early and join us for appetizers, no-host drinks, and conversation in the Conference Center’s upper foyer from 5:30 – 7:30pm, 2000 Hewitt Ave, Everett.

Join the third Washington State Trail Awards festivities on Friday evening at the Sons of Norway Lodge, 2725 Oakes Ave., from 5:30pm – 8:30pm.  In addition to relaxing with friends old and new you will also be on hand to celebrate the four deserving winners while enjoying refreshments and dinner.  Tickets are available for guests of conference attendees.

There are four field trips available for you to participate in Saturday after the conference.  Explore nearby parts of Snohomish County on walks happening Saturday afternoon at 3:30. Read all about them in the conference program, make your choice, and bring the appropriate clothing for an informative walk with local experts.

Paid parking is available Friday and Saturday at two surface lots, one across from the Conference Center on Hewitt Ave and the other across Oakes Ave to the west. The Snohomish County garage one block south on Oakes is available Friday only, but CLOSES at 6pm. You will need to move your car if attending the Award Reception!  Street parking has a 90 minute limit in the area, but is unlimited after 6pm and on Saturdays.

I want to welcome you to the conference and encourage you to introduce yourself to the Washington State Trails Coalition Board of Directors.  You’ll be able to identify us by the red ribbons on our name tags.   

We hope you are excited to participate and the board is looking forward to meeting you Thursday evening or Friday and Saturday. A light breakfast is available beginning at 7:30am Friday and Saturday with the program starting at 9:00am.