2024 Washington State Trails Conference Join us Oct. 3-5, 2024 for our biannual trails conference in Wenatchee! This multi-day event brings together trail enthusiasts from around the state to network, celebrate successes and learn about the current issues facing trails. Event Info Image from Washington We Host Gatherings
to Talk Trails
Washington’s miles of trails connect us to nature close to home and deep in the mountains, to nearby communities, to our places of work, and to others who love them too. Stay Informed
We Host Gatherings
to Talk Trails
Washington’s miles of trails connect us to nature close to home and deep in the mountains, to nearby communities, to our places of work, and to others who love them too. Stay Informed
Our Mission

Who We Are

The Washington State Trails Coalition is a non-profit whose sole purpose is to provide an effective forum centering on protecting, promoting, and enhancing a statewide system of trails. This includes both motorized and non-motorized outdoor recreation and transportation.

About us
Save the Date

Join Us for Our Next Event

We hope you will join us for our upcoming trail conference in Wenatchee on October 3-5, 2024! Registration opens in July.

Conference Info
Show your support


The Washington State Trails Coalition is a network of trail organizations and individuals who steward, inspire, design, and enjoy trails of all kinds. From snowmobile enthusiasts and goat packers to bicycle commuters and trail runners – we are a community of people who understand the importance of trails to the quality of life in Washington State.

Join us in supporting a vibrant trail community in Washington!

Sharing Knowledge

Our events touch on a wide variety of outdoor recreation topics. Here are just a few questions past caucus and conference presentations might be able to answer:

  • What have other organizations done successfully that ours might try?
  • Who has the expertise to share?
  • How can we adapt to the changing funding landscape?
Nominate a Trail Hero

Trail Awards

Do you know someone who stands out for their love and stewardship of trails? Nominate them for a Trail Award.

Become a Sponsor

Are your customers, clients, friends, family and/or neighbors trail users? Show them that you and your business are an active supporter of the statewide network of accessible trails for all users. Use your influence while marketing and enhancing your brand awareness.

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